What’s changing
We’re introducing a new way to let you know of what has been updated in the Idea Catalog. You can subscribe to an individual entry and every time something has been updated with new information you will be notified.
Notifications are in-app only, so don’t worry, you will not get any email notifications!
Why you’d use it
There may be certain technologies and products that you want to be kept up-to-date with the latest information. Notifications allow you to do that automatically.
Getting started
Choose an entry that you are interested in receiving notifications whenever new information is added. Here’s an example showing Iris from Createc. Hit the subscribe icon on the top right of the entry, opposite the name.
Thereafter, if something in that entry is updated you will see a dot appear next to the notification icon in the top navigation.
Click that bell to see your notifications and then click the item to go to the entry and see what’s been updated.
Available to all registered Idea Catalog users
See more at https://www.ideacatalog.net/