The Idea Catalog contains thousands of technologies from across the World. Have you wondered what others are interested in?
We have dug into our own data to uncover some of the most popular entries from the past year across all the catalogs.
Rosalind - European Space Agency. A rover designed for exploration on Mars; packed with scientific instruments.
Laser Snake - OC Robotics. A snake arm robot with a laser cutting head for size reduction activities.
Fotokite Sigma - Perspective Robotics. A tethered drone designed for situational awareness for firefighters.
Pupil Invisible - Pupil Labs. Eye tracking glasses that look like real glasses designed for gaining insight in users.
SWARM - Rolls Royce. Small robots designed for engine inspection that will work as a swarm.
BIDS - Barrnon. One of the winners in the NDA competition for nuclear decommissioning innovation.
Spinionic - SNC-Lavalin. A novel spinning ion exchange system that is more efficient than traditional systems.
Rad Piper - Carnegie Mellon. A pipe crawler designed to monitor uranium deposits inside pipes.
MiRoR - Nottingham University. A hexapod with a snake arm designed for repairs and inspection in aerospace engines.
Laser Snake